5 Outstanding Features in Language Arts Homework

Hello there. 

I wanted to share that I now offer Language Arts Homework for Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grades to my TpT store.

I do a lot of planning, researching, and testing before I start a new project. It matters to me that the things I make have great quality and add value to the teachers who invest in them.

Here are some homework features that I'm really proud of:
  • It is Common Core aligned;
  • The format and amount of work are age appropriate;
  • The rigor and complexity increase throughout the year as the content spirals;
  • It is easy for parents to understand;
  • It has answer keys to help at home and in the classroom.

Here is what each of these features looks like in the homework itself:

1. Every activity is Common Core aligned.

When I made this homework, I printed the Language Arts CCSS for each grade, and mapped out how and when I was going to introduce/review the standards. 

You are able to tell that the assignment is standard-based, and what the standard is addressing, by looking at the top corners of every page of homework that you assign!

Kindergarten Language Arts Homework

1st Grade Language Arts Homework

2nd Grade Language Arts Homework

The table of Contents that I include in every homework packet is a great visual to that point as well. 

Language Arts Homework Printable Activities
Homework Standards at a Glance!

2. The format and the amount of work are age appropriate.

I like materials that are visually appealing, easy to ready, and that use the space on the page carefully. Good formatting means all of those things. I like to feel that the materials I am printing are worth the paper and the ink I am using to print them!
Kinder - 2nd Quarter
The space on the paper is well used.
Another thing that is important to me, is that kids be able to do their homework on the assignment page rather than on a separate piece of paper. I feel that's more developmentally appropriate when they are young.

1st Grade - 2nd Quarter.
The homework is done on the page.
In keeping up with recent research findings that suggest that excessive homework for young children can be detrimental rather than beneficial, I design homework that is comprehensive, but quick to complete.

➤For more on this topic, read this eye opening article on Edutopia.

3. Rigor increases as the content spirals.

I made assignments more challenging each time I presented a repeating standard.

Writing a story in the end of the year should look different from writing a story in the beginning of the year.

Here's what I mean:

1st Grade Language Arts Homework

The amount of scaffolding should also change. More support at first, less support when the assignment is familiar.

4. It is easy for parents to understand.

For a number of reasons, well-intentioned parents who want to help their kids don't always understand how to do their children's homework!

I create resources that have examples and that are "parent-friendly". Whenever appropriate, I include a quick example to make it easy for parents to help at home.

2nd Grade - 3rd Quarter
Examples on the page help parents understand what to do.

5. Does the homework come with Answer Keys?

Yup! Super important, specially in a high ESOL population district. I never take for granted that parents have as strong a command of English as I might have. I might see a picture and know that it is a "sculpture" or a "thorn", but how many families you know would have a difficult time coming up with such specific vocabulary?
Answer keys are a great way to bridge that language gap, and you can choose to send them home with certain students.

😃So there you have it! 

I feel that these resources are well made and really valuable. I'm glad I was able to share them with you!

If you would like to see what this homework looks like, and give it a try for 2 weeks, feel free to explore the Bundle previews and download a free sample.

Check it out and grab a free sample!
For more homework resources that follow the same high standards check the links below:

Want to know if your homework policy is mindful? Read my 5 Tips to Assigning Homework.